Wi-Fi Developer Journey

Developing with Low Power Wi-Fi

The low power features available in the latest Wi-Fi standards mean that a lot of today’s IoT devices are "always-on" and connected, with extended battery life due to ultra-low power consumption. Wi-Fi 6 standard introduced several features that are the enablers for devices to go into low power states, stay dormant longer and transfer data more efficiently than earlier Wi-Fi generations.

Operational Modes

Wi-Fi SoC, RCP, and NCP modes refer to different operational modes for Wi-Fi, each with its own specific use cases and configurations:

SoC (System on Chip) Mode:

  • Hostless – No external host needed
  • All of the code (wireless, networking stacks and application code) runs on SiWG91x
SoC (System on Chip) Mode

NCP (Network Co-Processor) Mode:

  • Hosted – Network Co-Processor (NCP)
  • Host MCU runs RTOS, application code, cloud agent, and Matter
  • SiWN91x runs Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios, wireless and networking stacks
Network Co-Processor (NCP) Mode

RCP (Radio Co-Processor) Mode:

  • Hosted - Radio Co-Processor (RCP)
  • Linux host runs wireless, networking, and security stacks
  • SiWT91x supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radio functionalities
Radio Co-Processor (RCP) Mode

Wi-Fi Developer Journey with Silicon Labs

Silicon Labs can accelerate the development of Wi-Fi devices, starting by outlining each step in the process and helping you along each stage of your project. 私たちは、開発プロセスを簡素化し、デバイスを迅速かつ効率的に市場に投入できるようにお手伝いします。
We have outlined below three key stages of the Wi-Fi Developer Journey, along with what is required to successfully complete each stage.

  1. 1. キットを購入する:ハードウェア
  2. 2. Download Development Tools
  3. 3. Out of the Box Demo
  1. 1. サンプルアプリケーションの作成
  2. 2. 開発とデバッグ
  3. 3. テストと反復
  1. 1. 対象製品(認証)

1. キットを購入する:ハードウェア

Silicon Labs は、低コストのスモール・フォーム・ファクタ・プロトタイピング・プラットフォームから、アプリケーション開発向けの機能満載の開発プラットフォーム・キットまで、いくつかの Wi-Fi 開発キットを提供しています。ネットワーク・コプロセッサ(NCP)の動作モードには、開発プラットフォームのオプションもあります。ニーズに最も適したキットを 1 つ選択してください。

キット SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB フラッシュ SoC Pro キット
SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 および Bluetooth LE 4MB フラッシュ・コプロセッサ無線ボード SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 および Bluetooth LE 開発キット 
OPN (SiWx917-PK6031A) (SiWx917-RB4346A)
対象デバイス SiWG917M111MGTBA SiWN917M100LGTBA SiWG917M111MGTBA
オンチップ・メモリ 8 kB(フラッシュ) 4 kB(フラッシュ) 8 kB(フラッシュ)
RF フロントエンド 外部スイッチ 外部スイッチ 外部スイッチ
RF テストコネクター あり あり あり
エネルギーモニター(AEM) あり オプション
NCP サポート あり
パケット・トラフィック・アービトレーション(PTA) あり
オンボード・デバッガ 上級 ベーシック
デバッグ入出力 はい/はい はい/いいえ はい/いいえ
ユーザボタンとLED あり あり
はい(フルピンアクセス) はい(制限付きピンアクセス) はい(制限付きピンアクセス)
ディスプレイ あり
オンボードセンサー あり あり
第三者ハードウェアアドオン あり

注:Silicon Labs offers other Wi-Fi products, view them all here.

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2. Download Development Tools

Set up your development environment with Silicon Labs development tools.

Simplicity Connect モバイルアプリ

Test and debug Wi-Fi embedded applications quickly - including OTA updates, data throughput, and Android and iOS interoperability. Download Simplicity Connect app on your smartphone and speed up development now. 

Android/Google Play ストア

iOS/Apple App Store

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3. Out of the Box Demo

The out-of-box demo is pre-flashed on your SiWx917 radio board. This guide describes how to get started with running the out-of-box demo for the SiWx91x chipset family using the WiSeConnect SDK v3.x in System-on-chip (SoC) mode, where both the application and the connectivity stack run on the SiWx91x chipset.

Out of the Box Demo - SiWG917 (GitHub)

This application demonstrates the WLAN, BLE, MCU peripheral features and NWP (network processor) powersave capabilities of SiWG917 Pro Kit with a ready to go, minimal software installation experience.

Suggested Kit:


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1. サンプルアプリケーションの作成

Developing a Wi-Fi IoT application begins with creating a sample application. Here is a collection of instructions and guides to help you start coding your sample application.

The WiSeConnect SDK v3.x  getting started page guides you through the first steps of application development in all the operational modes: System-on-chip (SoC), Network Co-Processor (NCP), and Radio Co-Processor (RCP). It also covers the first steps of Matter software development.  

Should you want to study our Wi-Fi software architecture, you can start by reading our Software Reference guide.

For information about the security, you can refer to the below documents:

Here are some additional documents that you might find helpful in application development:

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2. 開発とデバッグ

When you are ready to begin your Wi-Fi IoT application development and debugging, these resources will be helpful during your project.

Here is a collection of the basic software development instructions and guides:

For hardware design considerations such as choosing the right crystal, please check the following documents:

For antenna design and optimization consideration, please refer to the below documents:

For hardware debugging, you might find the following documents helpful:

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3. テストと反復

It is important to test your Wi-Fi IoT application code before submitting it to test labs to ensure it will pass testing. These resources will help you to achieve test compliance.

Our manufacturing utility guide covers various device configuration aspects such as memory, security, flashing, and much more:

How to run throughput tests in NCP mode? Please check our AN1434: SiWx917 NCP Throughput to find out.

For final RF adjustments, please check our AN1440: SiWx917 Gain Offset Calibration guide.

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1. 対象製品(認証)

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ is an internationally recognized seal of approval for products indicating that they have met industry-agreed standards for interoperability, security, and a range of application-specific protocols. Learn more about the Wi-Fi Alliance Certification.

For the regional RF regulatory compliance details, please refer to this document:

SiWx917 Wi-Fi Certification
< 前のステップ 次のステップ >
1. キットを購入する:ハードウェア
2. Download Development Tools
3. Out of the Box Demo
1. サンプルアプリケーションの作成
2. 開発とデバッグ
3. テストと反復
1. 対象製品(認証)
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